IS NECROPHILIA A CRIME IN INDIA? WHAT IS IT? RAPE AGAINST DEAD BODY WRITTEN BY: MANSI RANA 1 ST YEAR, L.L.M PRESTIGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH GWALIOR (M.P) EDITED BY: MUSKAN PRASAD 4 TH YEAR, B.A.LL.B(HONS) AMITY LAW SCHOOL, NOIDA WHAT IS NECROPHILIA? “A person engaging in sexual activity with a dead body is said to have necrophilia, which is a sexual attraction or act. It is viewed as a very taboo and abnormal behavior. The paraphilias, which are defined by abnormal or extreme sexual desires, frequently coexist with necrophilia. These include necrophagia (eating the flesh of the dead), cannibalism, and sadism.” The word "necrophilia" is a combination of the Greek nouns "philios" (attraction to or love) and "nekros" (dead body). It was first used in the 19th century and was popularized by Belgian alienist Joseph Guislain. But there have been docume...