Written by : Gone Rakshitha

BA LLB 3rd Year

Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam ,Tirupati


Edited by: Harshika Kapoor


Right to education is one of the basic humans right as it is a key to exercise the other human rights. The main objective of right to education is to uplift the individual from the clutches of poverty and also to prohibit the discrimination based on Gender, caste, class and religion. Literacy in India is an important tool for socio economic progress. According to 2011 census The Indian literacy has been increased to 74.04% from 12% at the end of the British rule in 1947 No doubt to achieve this Indian government had adopted a various steps and scheme but when we look after the employment rate among the educated Indian youth it is only 10.4% out 74% Does it successfully serve the purpose of the right to education.    

Origin Of Education System in India

When Industrial Revolution was in full swing around 1800's the East Indian company started

treading in India, at that movement they didn't know how to communicate with the people

because Indian culture is very vast and there are so many languages which are almost 121

languages and 270 mother tongues. So British incumbents sent " Lord Thomas Babington

Macaulay" to figure out the situation. Later English education act 1835 was passed. They

outlined the modern education According to their purpose for an instant, they want a person

who sit on a desk and do what they said without getting so creative .so they gave more

importance to STEM subjects I.e., science, Technology, engineering and mathematics rather than focusing on other fields

Unemployment among educates rate in India

India is currently had a serious problem that is unemployment among the educated people According to Centre for monitoring Indian economy (CMIE) report that analysed the level of unemployment among the graduates is 14.8 per cent. According to CMIE, what is the most worrisome is the very sharp fall in this ratio in the CPHS dataset during the last five years. The employment rate among the youth in 2016-17 was 20.9% and which was fell to 17.9% in 2017-18, to 15.5% in 2018-19 and to 14.7% in 2019-20. Covid pandemic might be the one of the factors, but it is not ultimate factor in downfall of the employment rate in India.

 Factors Responsible for Downfall Of the Employment Rate In India

a) The all-fearsome syllabus

Bookish knowledge is the cardinal motto of the Indian education system. The focus is given only to the theoretical aspect rather than practical aspect. even today when my teachers says that your going to need this in your real life, I had no idea which aspect of my life required integration and differentiation, but I studied that in school as well as college. It was the main factor for youth unemployment in India, Due to which most youth today lack the appropriate skills that a job specification requires them to have.

b) No possibility for other skills

As I already mention during industrial revolution they needed a people in factories that is why the syllabus and the education system got focused on STEM subjects everything else got pushed to the side .I mean they didn't requires a poet running around the factories .because of these we have a clear hierarchy when it come to education in start with STEM followed by HUMANITIES and way in bottom we had ART now arts like music ,sports ,photography are considered as hobbies not as a profession. Moreover, a very high number of graduates do not have required proficiency in English communication. The role of primary education is to identify their interest and steps to be taken to develop it rather than forcing them to learn whatever they had given in the books.


One of the main flaws is " MUG UP " this method was adopted by the Britishers in Education system as they want Indians to learn what they taught rather than using our rational knowledge and the same we continued that even today teachers are forcing the children to byheart the concept rather than understanding the concept which ultimately develops the child as a machine. To be fit for working in any industry, it is quite important to equip oneself with necessary skill set and force on competency. All this not come from the MUG-UP system.



In my point of view among the all human rights ,The rights to education is the foremost important because if everyone had free access to education the remaining rights can automatically be achieved that is to say right to health by increasing the standard of living, right to work by creating their own employment without depending on the Government, through the education one can able to utilise the right to vote properly Simply the education is like one step to many solutions. Albeit we made a lot of changes to Our present education system, it doesn't help our children. Someone else is not going to change we ourselves has to do .In my opine overall development has to be considered and importance should be given to bringing out a total holistic development. Finally skill based education as well as quality education is the need of the hour then only our nation could see the progress, which is in the hands of the responsible citizens of India.




1)     https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/governance/denied-discouraged-why-youths-not-looking-for-jobs-can-be-a-crisis-for-india-82609

2)     https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/indicators/employment-rate-among-indian-youth-dips-in-fy22/articleshow/93926631.cms

3)      https://www.statista.com/statistics/812106/youth-unemployment-rate-in-india/

4)     https://www.henryharvin.com/blog/educated-unemployment-india/



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