2nd YEAR  BA.LL.B.





Rape is non-consensual sex with the victim and is treated as a very serious crime, but the same non-consensual sex within marriage in India is still not considered as rape. Where marriage is considered such an important event in a person’s life, does merely being married remove the importance of consent from one’s life? Justice Verma Committee, formed after the draconian Nirbhaya Case (2012) recommended making marital rape a criminal offense. In this article, we will look at the concept of marital rape in India.


It is important to first understand the roots of this marital rape, not criminal offense concept which arises from two doctrines of the British colonial era.

Hale's Doctrine said:

"Husband can't be guilty of rape. By their consent, the wife has given up herself in this kind to the husband.

Another doctrine that influenced marital rape’s immunity is the Doctrine of Coverture. According to this doctrine, a woman did not have an independent (legal) identity of her own after marriage. Her identity was mixed with that of her husband and all of her property was passed on to him. Note that these doctrines depict such a backward mindset which at a time was fine but in nowadays society, this would be unacceptable.

Multiple petitions have been filed in Delhi high court to declare marital rape a criminal offense and more than 100 countries have already considered marital rape a crime. But in India; section 375 of the Indian penal code is the one that defines rape. But the same section has an exception to it which states that “sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age, is not rape”.

In RIT Foundation v. Union of India delivered a split verdict as Justice Rajiv Shakdher, ruled in favor of removing exception two whereas Justice C Harishankar opposed this decision. Marriage is a religious practice with a different types of procedures in different castes and religions and at one time there was a mentality that when a girl is married to a person, she has to leave everything that she had behind and should obey his husband and live up to his and his family’s wishes; but in a developing society like ours when we have the knowledge of the human rights of each and every person, this kind of mentality should not be entertained as various rights of that person are being violated such as their fundamental right (under article 21), and several other rights. Rape is a very serious crime with devastating effects on the victim’s lives as well as the lives of the family of the victim and we all agree that there should be no tolerance regarding any kind of non-consensual sexual activity either outside the
marriage or within a marriage;

why is it that rape which is committed by a spouse is not considered a criminal offense?

Marital Rape and laws:

In India, Rape committed within a marriage is not considered as a crime. Rape has been given a lot of importance and intolerance by our courts which is the right thing to do but the problem lies in a very particular exception given in the Indian Penal Code.

Rape is defined under section 375 of IPC but under the same definition, there is also a mention of the exception which states that “Sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under the age of 15, is not rape”. Meaning that the consent of the spouse is not of any significance. The only thing that can make a difference and the action could be called rape within a marriage is if the age of the wife is below 15 years. Unless the raped woman is the wife and her age is not less than 12 years old, the rapist should be punished with imprisonment for a period that can extend to life imprisonment or up to 10 years, in addition to the fine, under article 376 of the CPI.

Even if the spouse is under the age of 15, the punishment is comparatively less severe and the protection against rape by her husband will only be valid until she is of age below 15 after that she has literally no protection against rape which is against international human rights standards. When the wife is more than the age of 12 and less than the age of 15, the offense is punishable by up to two years in prison or a fine, or both, under the Indian Penal Code; when the spouse is under the age of 12, the offense is punishable by up to ten years in prison and shoving.

Rape of a spouse legally separated can carry a sentence of up to two years in prison and a fine. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, which was passed by Congress in 2005, considers marital rape as a form of domestic violence. A woman can sue her husband for marital rape under this law through legal division.

It is unacceptable that until now women have been using IPC section 498-A, which deals with the lack of remorse, to protect themselves from “unreasonable sexual intercourse directed by the spouse”. Women should be able to directly take the help of section 375 which is the root section of rape so that justice could be served more easily.

Although under Article 14, the Indian Constitution guarantees equality, the marital law exception violates article 14 as it differences against females who have been raped by their own husbands as it denies them equal protection from rape and sexual harassment. This exception also violates Article 21 of the Indian Constitution which states: “no person shall be denied of his life and personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law.”

Now it is important to know why this exception has not still been considered unconstitutional.


Why Marital rape is still not a crime in India:

It’s 2022 and India remains one of 32 countries where it is not a crime for a man to rape a woman as long as they are married. According to former Chief Justice of India Dipak Mishra, making marital rape a crime would cause complete anarchy in families, and our country’s survival depends on the family platform, which upholds family values. Marital rape cannot be criminalized because of social values and existing traditions. According to the Indian government, people who try to prevent women from being raped by their husbands are following Western countries’ lead.

This is a unique obstacle that India faces as the people of India (for the most part) are illiterate, uneducated, poor, conservative, and religious they believe that the wife must consent to her husband forever, and this makes it hard to criminalize marital rape in India. Another reason is that it would surely give protection to women but at the same time, it will be straightforward for women to misuse the law. An affidavit was submitted to the Delhi High Court in which the union government said a law that criminalizes marital rape may become an “easy tool to harass the husbands”

Some women may falsely accuse their husbands and it will be very tough to identify whether the act was consensual or not. But I think this is one of the features of the judiciary; to weed out false accusations and impose penalties and provide justice. The argument which says that the law to criminalize marital rape might be an easy tool for women to misuse is faulty as it ignores how aggrieved women are so disadvantageous that they are not even being able to use the marital rape law if it exists, let alone misuse it.


In India, the current condition of married women in terms of protection against rape by their own spouse is very poor as no law expressly prohibits marital rape. It is very important to have such laws that criminalize this offense as it leaves a very devastating mark on a woman's life. It not only has short-term effects, but the effects stay up for a very long term and knowing that there won't be any justice makes it worse. A woman cannot be deprived of her rights only on the basis of some arguments; it is the country's responsibility to overcome these arguments and provide justice. Criminalization of Marital rape should be the priority of the branches of government.









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