Written By: Mansi Rana

LLM 2nd year,  

Prestige Institution of Management and Research Gwalior (M.P)


Edited By: Jain Divya Lalit




India is the only country in the world that has several names: India, Bharat, Hindustan, Hind, and Jambu Dweep most ancient one. However, at present only two names Bharat and India are in common use and being used interchangeably by the people of India.

According to the preamble of the constitution of India it is stated that we are “The people of India that is Bharat” apparently gives precedence to India over Bharat also the constitution of India Article 1 states that “India that is Bharat shall be the union of states.” Both the names used and mentioned in the constitution of India are impliedly codified as names for India.

 When we talk about the name change in context to the language in which they used. In English, the name India is used and in Hindi Bharat is used and the constitution of India in Hindi replaces India with Bharat everywhere in the constitution.  

The controversy about India changing its name to Bharat started after a G20 dinner invite in English was signed in the name of “President of Bharat”.

The invitation has drawn criticism from the opposition parties, notably the Congress and Aam Aadmi Party. The grand old has since claimed that the current administration is attempting to change history out of concern for the recently founded alliance I.N.D.I.A. which was compared with the East India Company. The controversy arose just after the government announced a surprise parliament session not announcing the aim of the session.


The term "India" was derived from the Sanskrit name of the Sindhu (Indus River) river. It was used by Greeks to describe the region they encountered when they arrived in the northwest of the subcontinent Over time India became a common name for the entire subcontinent. Britishers used this name and India became popular during that time.

Bharat name has been taken from the name of King Dushyant’s son “Bharat” whose tale was mentioned in Mahabharata. Also, there is one battle mentioned in Rig-veda the historical book which was called Dashrajyudh or Battle of Ten Kings in this battle on the winning side was King Sudas (the chief of the Bharata tribe ) who was accompanied by guru Vashishta the opposite side was ten different puru clans who were accompanied by guru Vishwa Mitra when Menaka succeeds in breaking Guru Vishwa Mitra meditation and fall love with him they both had a daughter named Shakuntala later she gets married to king Dushyant and then they give birth to Bharat so the king Bharat kingdom is known as Bharat. The Vishnu Purana mentioned that “The territory that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bharata: there dwell the descendants of Bharata.


Indians have recently become divided over speculations that the government may soon make a radical shift, changing the official name of the nation from "India" to "Bharat." According to sources from Times Now, this seismic change will be examined during a special parliamentary session. The nation is split on whether the name "India," which some see as a British colonial legacy, should be changed to "Bharat," which is more directly associated with the nation's historical roots. This contentious move has caused a social media frenzy. Tempers are spiking and attitudes are sharply divided. It's important to note that the disagreement still exists, with differing opinions on what would be best for the nation's identity.


India's dual identity is the subject of the complex and varied debate covered in the Nation Identity Debate. India frequently struggles with the contradiction between its urban, technologically modern exterior and its rural, tradition-bound hinterlands due to its rich history and complex cultural tapestry. This documentary examines the opposing notions of "India" as a major economic force and "Bharat" as the country's heartland, where traditional practices and agricultural lifestyles still flourish. The film dissects the intricate web of social, economic, and political elements that contribute to this identity difference through perceptive interviews, striking graphics, and provocative analysis. The viewer will develop a clearer grasp of the effects of this identity issue on India's socioeconomic environment as they travel along this cinematic journey. "India vs. Bharat: Nation Identity Debate" asks audiences to reflect on the complex interplay between tradition and modernity in one of the world's most diverse and dynamic countries, from the difficulties of closing the urban-rural gap to the impact on policy decisions. This insightful film explores the complexity of India's dual identity and challenges us to consider how these two sides might coexist peacefully in the twenty-first century.


The special session of parliament does not disclose the agenda. There has been no confirmation that such a move to change the name will be taken the government says that the name Bharat should be given preference over India The  Critics interpreted the usage of "Bharat" in the invitations as evidence of the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu-nationalist ideology and its desire for more use of Hindi. They also asserted that the government was attempting to change the name of the country formally.

India and Bharat both are the names of nations used interchangeably and are implicitly provided by the Indian constitution. Hence Bharat is already the name of India. People of India use both the name as we say “I love my India” in English and “Mera Bharat Mahan” in Hindi. Hence there is no need for such debate and a change in the name of India from India to Bharat.




2. Constitution of India












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